Frequently Asked Questions

What is the festival’s policy on recording of performances and personal privacy?
By registering to participate in the Leduc Music Festival you are agreeing for the festival to use your name and or photos in advertising, promotion, social media, and website.  If you wish to NOT have your photo published please contact the Registrar, Alex Singelton | registrar@leducmusicfestival.ca.
In the name of child safety, common decency and in respect for others, the Leduc Music Festival commitee asks that you do not record the performances of any child except your own, and that you do not record any performer’s adjudication, including your own child.
Should you choose to ignore the committee’s request a common sense approach to keeping all performers safe might be to:
1. Always obtain permission from those directly involved in the creation of a performance video.  This includes the performer(s), the accompanist and the adjudicator.
2. Never place on a public repository (social media or YouTube, ect) anything that includes a public performance of a child, unless explicit permission has been obtained.

Who can enter the festival?
The festival is open to everyone; only the awards and scholarships are limited.  Entrants 29 years & over will receive an adjudication, but are not eligible for scholarships.

Can I enter without a teacher?
Yes, you can enter the festival as an independent.  Please contact the registrar for assistance.

How do I register?
Registration is online and can be accessed using the link to the MusicFestivalSuite.com where you can set up your profile, linking it to your teacher and register. This allows for both your family and your teacher to check the correctness of the registration and either can go in and pay using Paypal once your information is complete.

What time should I show up for the festival?
You are performing in a block of time that is a session. There are usually two sessions each morning and two sessions each afternoon. You need to be there 15 minutes before that block of time starts so that you can hand in your original music for the adjudicator to use. For example, if your block runs from 9 – 10:30 a.m., you should be there at 8:45 to allow time for handing in your music or literature and getting familiar with the venue. Once your award group has been adjudicated, you are free to leave if needed.

What should I expect when I arrive to perform at the festival?
When you arrive at the festival, you will be greeted by our Venue Host who will take your name and your (original) music as you await your performance time. Once the doors are open for your performance time, the Marshall will show you where to sit.  They will announce the opening of the session, will introduce the adjudicator, and will call for the first performer (as the order as listed in the program). After you perform your piece you will take a bow. Some adjudicators will take a few minutes to work with each performer right after his/her piece, others will listen to all pieces before giving feedback to everyone at the end. The adjudicator or Marshall will let you know if you you should stay on stage right after your performance or if you should take your seat among the other performers to await later adjudication.  Most sessions last an hour; sometimes 15 minutes more or less as indicated in the program. 

Can I come early or stay after my performance and adjudication?
The festival is a great opportunity to listen to or watch wonderful performances by your peers.  You can see and hear entertainment that you may not otherwise have a chance to experience, hear a piece of music that you may want to add to your study and support your fellow musicians.

Do choirs and bands have to be there for a whole block of time?
Large groups, such as bands and choirs, will continue to receive specific performance times since they are limited in the amount of time available due to school hours and bussing.

What should I wear?
You have worked very hard on your selection and should come dressed up to reflect respect for the festival and yourself.

What do I need to bring with me when I come to the festival?
You need to bring one published/licensed score of the selection that you will be performing.
It is the responsibility of each participant to ensue they are not infringing on the composer’s/author’s rights in the performance of their selections.  The Leduc Music Festival Association assumes no responsibility for providing permission to perform or copy a composer’s/author’s work.

How many songs or pieces do I need to perform to qualify for the provincial festival?
You must enter at least two provincially qualifying pieces as listed in the provincial syllabus in order to be recommended by the adjudicator. Only one participant will be recommended and one alternate per discipline and age group, junior, intermediate or senior.ed

How many songs do I need to perform to qualify for the provincial festival in Musical Theatre?
In Musical Theatre you only need one song to qualify for provincials.

What do I do if I’m recommended to the Provincial Music Festival?
Candidates who are recommended to the Provincial Music Festival must confirm their intention to attend to the Leduc Festival Board.  Provincial candidates should submit their registration fees to Leduc Music Festival Association and upon performing in their provincial class, LMFA will reimburse the fees.  
Dates can be found HERE.

Can I perform a selection that is different than the one I registered?
Yes, you can perform a different selection.  Any competitor who makes a change in his/her selection within the same class after the registration deadline  will be allowed to perform the new selection and will receive adjudication, but will not be eligible for the award.
This is in keeping with festival policy and to be fair to all competitors who are performing the selection they registered.



What if I’ve memorized the pieces that I’m going to play?
One extra bonus mark is to be awarded in all solo instrument classes for effective memorization of selections (to be determined by the adjudicator).

How are marks awarded and registered?
The Leduc Rotary Music Festival provides a wonderful outlet for students to perform in public as well as an opportunity to work with some top quality adjudicators to improve their craft.  It also gives them an opportunity to inspire and be inspired by other musicians. In this spirit, we wish to encourage the learning atmosphere of our festival. We will continue with the standards system by not announcing the winners of the class or awards during the event. Instead, each participant will receive their adjudication sheet with their percentage achieved as well as a certificate which will have a seal of the standard they have achieved.   Marks will still be recorded by the adjudicator and secretary  to determine winners of the award groups.
The Board will be contacting the award winners by phoning their teachers. Each award winner will be recognized at the Awards Gala.

Who qualifies for an award/scholarship?
Anyone under 28 who resides in the City or County of Leduc or studies with a teacher in the City or County of Leduc.

I don’t know if I got an award.  How can I find out this information? 
In the spirit of encouraging a learning environment and success, our festival has decided to go with a Standings system instead of a marks system. The adjudicator marks will be recorded on your adjudication sheets and used to select award winners. Our award winners will not be announced at the festival but will be notified by phone after their discipline is finished. Winners will be recognized at the Awards Gala.

How do I get my award?
You will receive a cheque and recognition at the Awards Gala on April 24th at 2 p.m. in the Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts.

Can I or my parents take pictures or recordings?
In the name of child safety, common decency, and in the respect for others we ask that you only record or photograph your own child’s performance.
Recordings of the adjudication are not allowed!
Do not post any photos or videos of any performer (other than your own child), accompanist or adjudicator online with out explicit permission from the individual.

How will I know if there are changes to the Syllabus?
Check your syllabus carefully; there have been numerous changes in format in the last few years.
Changes to rules regarding local classes can be accessed here (scroll to page 1).   Please familiarize yourself with these changes to ensure you are registering in the appropriate classes.

What kind of props are allowed for musical theatre performances at the festival?
At both the local and provincial festival you will be provided with the large props for musical theatre. Only a chair or block, coat rack and table will be provided and the performer will still provide the appropriate hand prop(s).  Please see the provincial syllabus for more details.

How will I know if my choir is participating in an audio competition at the provincial level?
There have been changes to the choral component of the provincial festival (some classes have been moved to an audio recorded choral competition).
We will advise you of these should your choir be recommended to the provincial level.
No changes have been made to the local festival.

What other ways can I be involved with the festival?
We welcome volunteers to help with the operations of the event  and new board members.  You can also donate money, gifts in kind or scholarships.