Each year volunteers help us to keep the Leduc Music Festival running smoothly in several different venues over 2 weeks.
There are a variety of positions, each vital and rewarding.
Shifts vary in commitment and training is provided to ensure that you are comfortable in your position and feel a part of the team. Early shifts start at 8:30 a.m. to set up for the festival which runs 9am – 4:30pm daily. There are other volunteer positions that may just involve the lunch hour, or part days.
As well as being at the venues to hear and watch some great entertainment you will be served lunch.
The following are a list of duties that need to be filled. We appreciate any time that you can offer to help make this amazing event a success.
Marshall – this person introduces the rules, expectations, the adjudicator and each participant to the audience. Public speaking and a clear, strong voice is an asset.
Secretary – this person assists the adjudicator with the paper work of each participant. Clear, neat writing and organizational skills are important for this position.
Merchandise sales – this person will set up, sell and keep track of merchandise and programs.
Venue Host – this person keeps track of participants as they arrive; informing the Marshall of any no shows. You will collect, organize , and deliver the music books to the Secretary. The Venue host is in charge of the venue, setting up, collecting money for the programs, upholding the rules, making the coffee or tea for break time.
Venue Host assistant – this person will be in charge of picking up lunch at 11:30 from a central location, organizing lunch for the other venue volunteers and adjudicator. They will also supervise the venue during lunch to allow the other volunteers a break and clean up after. This position is either required from 11 – 1:30 at most venues, or from 9 – 4 when helping at the choir and band venues.
“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great,
because greatness is determined by service,”
-Martin Luther King Jr.